A little update date, I completed one arrow, just to try it out
I shot it about 50 times and it worked great and best off it didn't blow up in my face! But it does have a little to much spine. The rings on the pine board I used did not have that tight of grain but very straight. When I first tested the spines after first sanding they were about 70 lbs! After a lot of sanding I got them down to 62lbs.... could of used to loose another ten pounds for my 42lbs bow
I might have to start making them a little smaller then 11/32 or at less in the middle of the spine. Sam: I read your arrow build along and I saw u had trouble with the DF from home depot, cant say I had the same experiance, these shafts seem to be tough as $! I missed the target twice and hit rocks in my driveway and no damage to the arrow.
any more advice, or constructive criticism would be great!