Photobucket drives me nuts at the moment, can only post one picture at the time and difficult to copy, the mark and copy box just flashes.
Well, I made a full lenght taper board. This is by no means a new invention, but I have not seen pics of one before. I first jointed and machine planed a hardwood board 78"x2"x1/2". I then contact cemented two tapers from MC with the thin ends in the middle of the board, Since the tapers were 36" long and I wanted the whole thing to be 78" long I put a spacer in the middle with the same thickness as the taper's thin ends. I then contact cemented a long strip of 120 grit abrasive paper on top. When I place a parallel lam on top it can be run through a planer or lam grinder. A lam grinder is best if you want a real thin finished product. But to make a little thicker lam for a trilam all wood bow the planer works just fine. I used a short haired roller to spread the contact cement. Bue--.