I really like that white glass on yew. Would make a great set with my black glass and yew bow.
Met a neighbor I didn't know I had. (Thought neighbor A fully bordered my property until I looked at a map.) Only lived here 11 years. Anyhow, got permission to recover from his property, but not to hunt on it. Oh well, better than the ones that don't want you to even hunt near the property line...
Middle daughter is excited for the season to start this weekend. Her own crossbow shows up in a day or two. She can't comfortably draw a hunting weight bow yet, maybe in a year or two. She did ask for a recurve crossbow instead of the compound type we borrowed for her last year. She's definitely got the traditional mindset. She's also bugging me to make a duplicate of the swap bow for her. Maybe we'll find enough time in between item's on Mom's lists to glue one up. The rule is homework has to be done and she has to help.