Total taper is in there, if you take that times the distance from the fade to the center of the bow and add to the stack at the fade you'll get total taper at the butt ends. I can give you what I used for individual lams:
For the swap bow, core lams were as follows: (2) 0.043 clear ULS glass, (2) 0.080 x 0.001 cherry veneers, (2) 0.135 x 0.002 black locust core lams. For the swap sister bow (in case I missed weight), it's the same except for 0.145 x 0.002 black locust core lams. All wood was local and air dried before sending to Kenny for grinding. Both have one cherry lam up the belly of the riser.
For the yew bow, I used: (2) 0.040 black ULS glass, (2) 0.150 x 0.002 yew and (1) 0.170 x 0.002 yew for the core. Only the glass goes up the belly of the riser. Yew came from Kenny, not sure where he got it.
Using the HHA bows as a dataset, I hit my cherry/bl bows within a pound or two of target. But definitely missed on the yew bow by about 8 lbs, or 15%. My understanding is that dense, tight-ringed, old-growth yew would probably have been at or above my target weight.