I forgot to show you guys this video. You will notice on the wall below the tree cradle are two vertical lines. The line to the right is for tillering a bow for split finger shooting and the line on the left is for tillering a bow for shooting three fingers under shooting. Those lines are for timing the limbs to bend in harmony / sync, with each other according to how you shoot the bow. I want the tree pull rope to follow either one of those lines exactly down the wall as I pull the bow limbs. If the pull rope drifts to one side or the other, that indicates one limb is stronger than the other as the rope will drift towards the stiff limb. So I will take wood off the limb that the rope drifts towards, to make it weaker. I don't worry about setting a certain + or - tiller to the limbs. I let the bow limbs decide what the tiller will be, so that the limbs bend perfectly together. And you will notice that the bow is just sitting in the cradle, and it is not rocking either way. That tells me that the bow is balanced, just like it will be in your hand when you shoot it....