Ok, so the bow pics:
Sorry, after shooting last night I was reminded that we had obligations at the neighbor's party where they were making Gin & Tonics with an apparent shortage of tonic. So posting pictures needed to wait until I had slept in and had my coffee this morning. Justin - My apologies for the wait.
The tube had been smashed little on the back, but it turned out not to be a problem as my bowyer had wrapped the bow in 38 layers of foam and bubble wrap and two rolls of yellow masking tape. It actually took me over 5 minutes to get to my bow. But it was worth the work.
Justin (bowhuntingeverything####) wasn't kidding that he had made a fine bow. This thing was awesome. If this is his best, I'd have been happy with his next best too.
The bow is 63# at 29", brown glass front and back with I'm guessing 4 lams of bamboo? The first time I pulled it back, it felt like Justin's scale might have been reading light. Or I'm just getting weaker after visiting ole Roybert...
That was as far as I got for a couple of hours as a few duties at home called. (The girls and I had to have the house cleaned before mom came home.) A little later we went outside to try it out. The full draw pic (also the first shot pic):
This bow flat-out zings an arrow. Its tillering is great, I can't feel any handshock even with arrows that are probably too light for it. Finish is flawless and the string with muskrat(?) silencers makes for a quiet shot. I put about 50 arrows through it out to about 40 yards until I started to get tired. Hopefully today I can tweak the nocking point a bit and work on some heavier arrows. (Although priority 1 is getting my recipient's bow done.)
Thanks Justin!