Ok, inspired by Kelly taking vacation next week I decided to do the same thing. Kinda. Tuesday is a holiday for us. I can't miss W/Th, but I did take leave for Monday and Friday. And while this weekend is full from dawn to dusk teaching archery to the Girl Scouts, next weekend is wide open. I also got spousal approval (during a weak moment I'm sure) for such priortization of time in the woods. So with the rut coming on I should have M/T/F/Sa/Su to try and fill the freezer.
I have prioritized making meat (larger than squirrel) with my own bow first. But then I'm taking out my swap bow. It will probably be easier to hunt with out of a stand or blind as it's a bit shorter. If I get lucky enough to make meat twice, I'd like to move to last year's bow which is also awesome. But we'll see, I'm probably getting ahead of myself.