That's not a fret(compression failure) my friend, that is a break due to tension resistance failure. It looks like it started at the string groove, then ran up and then across. I would shorten the bow enough to remove the damage if possible, or if not, then I would shape that limb tip real quick, removing all of the damage in the process, and see if there was enough wood left for it to work.
You have a clamp to either side of the string groove... one right on the tip, and one a little farther down the limb. Next time, put your first clamp right ON that string groove area, not right on the tip, with a plywood pad to distribute force between the bow and the clamp, then work your way down he limb. I never clamp directly down on the bow wood. I keep a bucket full of pads made with 1/2" plywood of various lengths to distribute both the crushing force and clamping area pressure. It might have helped greatly in this instance.