I too use only T-Bird and get upset if I have a single pock mark due to missed filling of open ended grain, or a speck of dust land on it. My finishes are pretty danged good, and while I take some degree of pride in them, I know guys who can use the same finish and make mine look average in comparison. The guy that helped raise my own standards is one of them. His are virtually flawless and he takes great pride in them, and deservedly-so. He also builds custom, handmade flintlocks... also with beautiful hand rubbed finishes. As you alluded to, he spends considerable time, wet sanding and rubbing it out after the last coat is applied. The chosen rubbing copound depends on the final look he's going for. I remember him using rottenstone on many of his own bows... which looked like a very high grade satin when complete.