I'm not a self-professed expert. There are many who make a fine BBB (James Parker, Eric Krewson, Walt Francis [I have one of his
], Roy, etc.). However, I'm sure they'd tell you they've lost their fair share of BBB's along the way.
That said, I agree with the above advice. Hickory selfbows or laminated bow with hickory bellies are more susceptible to humidity. I've found that in our humid Nebraska summers, a hickory backing really doesn't suffer noticeably. It's a bit heavier than bamboo when all is said and done, but I've found boo to be really stinkin' touchy...but oh, so smooth!!!
I really worry when I'm shooting my BBB's in the woods about dinging or damaging the backing. In fact, I've lost two super nice boo bows that I've babied due to unknown causes (boo imperfection, damage, poor construction, ???). On the contrary, hickory is used for tool handles for a reason.
White oak is a great backing choice, too. Like hickory, it's also used in tool handles.