Great response lisowczycy, care to elaborate on that?
I don't understand everyone coming down on this company all the time.
Paul, most bowyers I've done business with ask for a + or - 2 pound when ordering a bow. For any bowyer working with natural materials I would think it would be impossible to lay up a bow and know exactly what weight it will turn out. Too much variation in the materials. Of course you could glue one up heavy and grind it down to make exact weight, but is that what you want done? There are plenty of bowyers out there who charge just as much as BW and don't offer you the option of getting exact weight for extra money. It isn't worth the effort. There are plenty that you can get your exact weight for no charge, and I'm sure there are some that will mark your exact weight no matter what it is. My bowscale doesn't ever match what is written on any bow so I'm not too picky. My current bow, not a Black Widow, is two pounds heavier on my scale, but since it isn't calibrated it is close enough for me...Mike