As laddy mentioned, each bow handles arrow weights differently. The 10 grains per pound of draw weight will get you close.
Here is an analogy for you:
A mean little kid stands at the street with a bucket full of rocks of various weights. With an evil gleam in his eye, he picks a large rock from the bucket and chucks it at your picture window. It is too heavy for him, so the rock falls on the lawn far short of the window. Undeterred, he picks the smallest rock from the bucket and fires away at the window. The rock hits its target but isn't heavy enough to break the thick glass. Finally the persistent little turd pulls a medium sized rock from the bucket, aims for the upper half of the window and puts the rock right through the middle. After pausing briefly to survey his work, the little peckerhead beats a hasty retreat.
Okay, that was a long analogy, but the point is the total weight of the arrow needs to match the cast (not just the draw weight) of the bow. Like the nasty neighbor kid, you will have to experiment a bit to find the best combination, but 10 grains per pound of draw weight is a good place to start.