I was only kidding with you, be cool, it's OK I think everybody understands. Sometimes God just loves on people, and that's God's way of saying I am here when you need me, and I think that God understands, more so than we do, that some people need space, sometimes he gives that in the form of loneliness, and sometimes he gives that in our time in the woods, but I know that God works with people in different ways, I am sure glad he's not a rule keeper, because that the way it was with the Old Testament people, the law showed them that they could not be good enough for God, that is why the sacrifices were made, not for God, they were for his people.
And no one think you're judging people, we've already been judged by God, bottom line is
" we are sinners", and He is Grace, like a refreshing cold drink of water on a hot day, it seems like you can get enough of it.
That's why God sees us, as to what we can become, and we fail, because we only see what we are.
Now didn't God take his people into the wilderness, that is kind of the same thing He does with me, I went into the woods many times each year, turn down about seven deer this past year, I did not release one arrow, but I came home with 160 lb. doe, our wonderful maker knows our needs, as well as our wants.
I hope no offense taken, I was just kidding around with you. That's the downside to a one-dimensional web site. You try and have good day.
Pastor Carl