That is an interesting thought... and surely I have no clue "why not?"
Just musing aloud to stimulate other's responses perhaps:
If you follow shoots here on Gang, you'll see that the shoot forum is full of competitive shoots...but mostly in the South it would seem.
I can't say about other states West of PA but the shoots I attend in B-more, Whittingham and here in PA do NOT have competitive programs. I enjoy that lack... but others really get juiced on the competition and are great shooters!
So...maybe there is some geographical differences by state's as to whether the majority of clubs do compete or just have "fun shoots"?
If the latter, then it might be hard to put together something that suited both types... competitors and non's alike?
If you made it "non-competitive" well, then most of the shoots I already attend fit that bill so where would the draw be??
Sounds like it would have to be competitive to peek interest in multi-state Trad clubs getting together.
Competition is just so far off my radar, I just haven't a clue... hopefully, our competition junkies will jump in and give credence to your question.