Just curious if I am just a strange b*st*rd or if there are others out there like me. My philosophy, albeit twisted, has always been to minimize the amount of stuff that I own. I profess to be a collector of nothing.
I own exactly one bow (Brackenbury), one flyrod (Winston), one shotgun (Browning), one rifle (ruger), one hunting knife, etc. Of the 30 or so whitetail racks I have been lucky enough to take (not all with trad) I only have 2 in my possession. All the rest have been given away - some to my sons, some to knife makers. I have found well over 100 sheds - all but 2 have been passed on, mostly to kids with an interest.
I read but I don't collect books. I write but I don't save journals. It just seems that the less I possess the happier I am - within reason, of course. Don't get me wrong, alot of stuff has passed through my hands, but I seem to be always whittling it all down to a few special pieces of equipment that I wouldn't give up for anything. When I'm gone there won't be a whole lot to stuff to argue over.
God bless you guys who collect alot of pretty bows. I think it's cool and I love to look at them. Based on the collections of bows I see here, and the collections of flyrods I see on some other sites it appears I am an aberration. Or maybe there are a few out there with the same sickness.
Oh, and by the way - exactly one wife. 30 years in May. ;-)
...Alrighty now, that was cathartic.