This was a good weekend. Turned out that I got some R&R, a few things accomplished, and time with DU2 (Daughter Unit #2).
Saturday morning I went to the range to measure up where I need to build storage for all the educational bows. (I'm tired of shuttling them from my house to the club.) They had cancelled the shoot that morning because of conditions (snow.) But I had a great time shooting the 3D course anyway. I passed a group of 8 wheelie guys on Target 3 and then had virgin snow to stomp through the rest of the way. When I finished the course, I could see that they had made it all the way to Target 7. They must have been out there until dinner! Anyhow, I shot better than I expected to. I only had to search for arrows on one target where I went over the back. (All my shots seemed high.) But overall it was a peaceful and enjoyable morning!
Saturday afternoon and Sunday I spent working in the shop. I needed to clean some stuff up, so I found a new place to store my laminations and glass which should make a difference. I also decided to finish up a spine tester I started to build probably 2 years ago:
It seemed like a great idea for precision when I dreamed it up back then. But the dial indicator has a spring on the plunger that counteracts the 2# weight. Now the spring force is small and is a linear function of the deflection that can be corrected for, so it can all still work out just fine. But that combined with needing to subtract the two readings on the indicator means I need to run a laptop or the like next to me. So turned out to be very precise, but a pain. But now it's done. Most importantly I even put up a spot on the wall to hang it out of the way when not using it.
DU2 spent a good chunk of the day out in the shop with me, mainly turning firewood into a mess on the lathe:
She's worked on the lathe before, but yesterday was her first time learning to properly use the skew chisel. She also learned how to use the chop saw, drill press, and nail gun. Then I made her design and build a paper towel rack for my shop. I think she's got potential.