I am getting the props together to shoot a Gizmo video when my son comes for a visit next week.
I floor tillered a bow blank I made of mismatched billets and found one limb was really good, strong wood and the other was like a noodle, mushy and weak. It will do for demonstrating floor tillering and using the gizmo on the long string.
I had my shoulder worked on 4 months ago, recovery hasn't been going well. I am shooting a 38# bow and didn't have anything to move up to that would be a few pounds heavier.
I was digging in my failure bow pile and found a BBO that came out way under poundage and was a real poor performer. I had heat treated the limbs and put it back in the pile.
I strung it up to check it and found he heat treating had really gotten the tiller off. I retillered it and gave it a test run. Dang, it was now a rocket launcher, a #45 rocket launcher, just what I needed for my rehab.
Yep, heat treating works wonders on a wimpy bow.