That's an awesome bear Ron. Congrats on a successful hunt!
Well, last night I sanded the remaining 4 bows to profile, put some string nocks in and threw 'em up on the tree. Somehow there was a math error when I did the lam stacks for three of them. (I did all three at the same time, and I can't swear that it wasn't after a tasty beverage or two.) The two twin bows that should have ended up in the upper 50's @28 will probably finish in the low 70's. The one that was supposed to be about 70 looks like it may finish up in the upper 80s. Ooops! Since the 70# bow was for me, I can just take one of the twins for myself. The other will probably sit on the shelf until I find some other fool who wants a Hill bow that heavy. The other bow will be my elephant bow I guess in case I ever go to Africa...
The good news is the fourth bow is just fine and should drop into perfect weight for my swap recipient. Hopefully trap and round the limbs and finish final tillering tonight.