What inspired me was simple. I wanted to shoot a longbow, and I didnt have the money to buy one. I bought a board, and a half round file, and built that bow using a kitchen knife, a hunting knife, and a file. It was a terrible bow.
I was hooked immediately, but the moment that changed my bow making forever was the day I first visited Dave Grant, Canopyboy, and saw the swap bow he built. It was laminated, with a bamboo back, and ipe belly, and looked like a million bucks. The finish was deluxe, and he talked about the bow like it was just OK. I was floored by it and thought, "I wanna do that!". I won't even start to mention the help he's been since then. Shooting most of my bows, helping me solve all sorts of technical problems, and giving honest no BS feedback. If your bows ugly, and got hatchet marks ... He will tell you.
I've been threatening to build a hill bow ever since .....