Mix the smooth on just a little more of part A than B it gives the bow more heat resistance . You do need to heat the bow, don't get it over 200 degrees 150 to 180 is perfect you get a stronger bond and is more heat resistant. Always use acetone I have been making bows for over 30 years and have cleaned everyone with acetone, as far as bringing the oils up this was something that OL Adcock came up with, not true, brush your glass and lams off, blow them off, then take a clean cotton cloth soaked in acetone and see what you have on the rag after wiping its the difference between a clean glue up and one mixed with dust. Make sure you put glue on both surfaces. Any bow can break any time, a lot of advice on these threads may help for next time its just too bad you have all that time, labor, and money into it and then failure !