Woody, That is the only thing I will change on my next haft arrow...trim the end of the shaft more flush to the broadhead for a smoother transition. Since you have one of my forged heads epoxied into a carbon insert, I figured you would be the one to pick that up
Dr Asby's suggestion of using a wood plug insert gives more stability and strength to the slotted carbon. It also would allow a much smoother shaping of the shaft to the head.
I wasn't sure if it would hold up to begin with...But it appears to be even better than an aluminum insert. The wrap seems to do the same job that footing carbons with a section of aluminum shaft does. Thanks for everyone's support and help.
After watching Woody haft one of his Beautiful Knapped Heads to a shaft, that's when I started wondering if I could do the same thing with carbon. As long as you can keep the carbon shaft from splitting, it is a pretty indestructible arrow. Plus it is really easy and inexpensive to do...as long as you can get forged heads

Heck it's easier finding steel than Woody's flint...oops I forgot he uses beer bottles too!
Lastly...Maybe not stupid just different :rolleyes: Doc