She's doing well and I'm gaining an appreciation for all she does.
Monterey I'll let them cure over night an beat on them then wait a week and try again to see if there's a difference. I also heard someone say that they used the duplicolor wheel SEALER so I'll look for that.
So far I took a piece of locust and sanded the edge grain to 220 grit. I then marked off 2" wide areas and applied superglue, 5 min epoxy, Heilman's gloss, Rustolium flat camo, Rustolium dead flat clear, wipe on poly, and kyrlon blue primer/finish then put the board in the hot box to dry. Once dry I lightly sanded them all with 320 grit and put a coat of both the VHT and the duplicolor. Then into the hot box for 10 minuets and recoat. I repeated that 3 times and now it will set overnight is the hot box. Tomorrow I'll get pictures and start a new thread and start beating on the board.