Went to Jay's today to buy a bow and ended up shooting a few Bob Lee recurves , a Fire Fly t/d longbow and a Predator recurve. The Fire Fly was super smooth but I decided to lean toward a recurve. So I then shot the Predator. It was smooth and fast, but the grip was real skinny right under the shelf. I shoot with my bow hand open and it felt like my hand was slipping up when drawing. So I moved on to a Bob Lee recurve. Smooth, quiet, fast and fit my hand very well. So I bought it. A Bob Lee Hunter t/d recurve. 58" AMO 61# @28. I also picked up a Damascus glove, 6 Beman 400 wood grains, an extra string, 6 magnus 125 Gr BH's, a stringer and a Great Northern Quich detach quiver all for 602.00. The bow was used one season and came with the quiver for 446 before tax.