Some suggestions for your first glue up. Make sure your form has some sort of stops along each edge like Robertfishes picture. I even go so much as to glue some along the ends so that nothing can slide down your fades and cause any other issues there. Wax down your form, I use turtle wax, lay down a layer of plastic wrap before putting the glued up bow onto the form. Lay another peice over the top of the bow before putting the top form on. I use the zip tie method to keep everything together and then cut them after adding half the air pressure into the hose. I drilled the holes for the zip ties at the mid point on the fades, at mid limb, and then close to the tips. I also tape it down as well. I have had many lams slide on me during my first couple glue ups that I take all the precautions I can now.
Just a few friendly tips so that your first one comes out great and you have no unforseen issues.
Best of luck and post pictures!