I have taken some small game with my trad bows, but am still trying to get my first big game kill. I have taken several big game with rifles in the past. But since I started using Trad equipment, I haven't even picked a rifle up or even really thought about it to tell you the truth. Not that I never would again, but a simple stick and string is what makes my heart sing these days.
It for me, is so much more personal in every way to hunt with traditional tackle. It forces you to become a better hunter in many ways, as well as notice many things along the way that I used to take for granted when I hunted with rifles. It is romantic as well. It is like stepping back in time and walking in the footsteps of our ancestors.A legacy if you will. It is primal as well as spiritual for me. The experience is so much less about killing an animal and alot more about being alive and alert and savoring the sights ,sounds and smells of God's creation in all it's wonder. The hunt IS what tradbow hunting makes so special.
Anyway, I could go on and on and make a short story long, but for me, it just rings a chord in the nature of who I am, and am now realizing more and more....who I want to be.
And for the record, I take nothing away from gun hunters in any way shape or form, as we are all brothers of the hunt and to each his own. Oneday I may pick up a rifle again should the urge ever arise. I am just glad I live in a country where I have the option to make that choice!