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Author Topic: Turkeys without a blind  (Read 2496 times)

Offline GG

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Turkeys without a blind
« on: March 08, 2008, 10:57:00 AM »
Does anyone hunt turkeys without a blind and actually have success? If so, how?

Offline Grizzzly

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2008, 11:06:00 AM »
I hunt out of natural blinds, sticks, logs, blowdowns, etc. I don't like shooting out of popup blinds, especially with a bow. This will be my first season with traditional gear, so we will see what happens. It's going to be pretty tough to shoot a turkey without some kind of cover around you. Good luck this year. John

Offline Dave2old

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2008, 11:22:00 AM »
GG -- I have never ever once used a blind, and I get shots every year. I do like Grizzly and use natural cover. Nor do I use a Ghillie suit and as my commercial camo wears out I am gradually replacing it with dark plaid shirts and dark pants -- all this is same-same for elk and deer hunting as well. But once in a while you'll get caught in the open, when all you can do is hold still until they go away and you can reposition and try calling 'em back. Why? Because I hunt public lands where the birds move constantly, unlike many ag lands. So moving and being flexible is simply more productive. And always more fun. And cheaper. Sometimes I use one hen deke, sometimes not. It does help to have a special turkey bow, shorter and lower draw weight, sinc I often have to hunker down in low oak brush, and hold at full draw for prolonged time waiting for a bird to walk out from behind a trees, etc. Good exercise, good fun, real hunting. Give it a try. dave

Offline dan ferguson

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2008, 12:39:00 PM »
I have shot several turkeys no call, no blind, just stalking, but I must say my country is alot different probably than where you hunt. I,m hunting in rough canyon country in western Nebraska with cedar trees which makes it easier to glass from a long distance, circle them for an ambush or catch them in the bottom and shoot almost straight down on them.

Offline Grizzzly

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2008, 12:44:00 PM »
Dan, unfortunately laws say we can't stalk turkey here in NJ. Too many people in the woods that may think your a turkey and shoot ya !!! That's what they tell us anyway. John

Offline GG

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2008, 02:03:00 PM »
The reason for my question is because where I hunt also has hogs. I plan on stalking for hogs, but if I hear a turkey, I'll have to give him a try. This would be impossible while toting a ground blind around. Natural cover is my only option.

Offline Squirrel Bait

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2008, 03:28:00 PM »
GG, it can be done, but you need to contact your doctor for some pills for depression. Because it will drive you completely nuts!
If you've never been in the woods at daylight, and seen the world come alive, you haven't " Lived".

Offline Ray Hammond

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2008, 03:51:00 PM »
I used a chair, like the Anywhere Hunting Chair, backed up to a large tree. Then take a piece of camo fabric, 3 to 4 feet high, by 12 feet long with a stake on each end, and slits in the fabric.

The middle of the length of fabric goes round the tree and is staked out in an open V past your chair. Stick branches through the slits in the fabric if you have time before the bird comes in, and put a decoy in front of you, past the blind material about 10 yards or so.

The bird should be coming from behind, come around past the camo material, and will pick up the hen and move past you toward her.

Shoot him in the back. Ive killed a few like that.
“Courageous, untroubled, mocking and violent-that is what Wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman, and loves only a warrior.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline Biggie Hoffman

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2008, 04:16:00 PM »
Gee Ray....isn't that a blind????
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Offline Kevin Bahr

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2008, 04:33:00 PM »
I know of a "kid" that has killed several turkeys without the use of a blind, decoys or calls.  And he hunts in the open country of central Montana.  Kory Baker.  That boy is a Bowhunter with a capital B...

Offline RC

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2008, 09:02:00 PM »
I`ve killed a couple without a blind. It will make you mad and you`ll start hate`n Turkeys. You`ll think they are laughing instead of gobbling. Hunt birds with a blind in the morning and get on the pork in the afternoon.RC

Offline Ray Hammond

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2008, 10:37:00 PM »
well, its not a POP UP blind, biggie. Its not much more than setting up a chair...not like having to move a bunch of brush or limbs around in a stack. Takes about 15 seconds to set up..and you don't mind moving it.

If he meant has anyone just sat on the ground and killed a turkey? yeah, done that too, once. Also stalked up on a field edge and shot one in the field strutting with 12 hens, once.
“Courageous, untroubled, mocking and violent-that is what Wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman, and loves only a warrior.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline vermonster13

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #12 on: March 08, 2008, 10:42:00 PM »
Yes. The area I hunt has lots of birds and lots of cover. I know where they roost and how they like to get to the strutting field. A roll up piece of camo cloth with stakes makes an easy set-up takedown, carry instant blind and doesn't weigh anything. Most times I like to travel real light though. I do have a pop-up blind I traded for and I may even get it out of the box this year but don't bet to heavily on it.
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Offline Guru

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #13 on: March 08, 2008, 11:16:00 PM »
I'm with squirrel bait on this one!

It can certainly be done...but I like actually knowing there's a chance to kill one when I go hunting......

 Also....turkey aint' all the same! I've seen turkeys in a lot of the US.....our NY easterns are as sharp as they get!!  I've just about walked up to turkeys in other states...that ain't happenin' here.....

If you REALLY want to kill a turkey...get a blind!

If you don't really care if you kill one...hunt without a blind...you'll have fun anyway    :thumbsup:
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline GG

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #14 on: March 09, 2008, 03:10:00 AM »
RC, I started hate'n em last year trying to kill'em with a shotgun. I will surely loathe them this year after huntin' them with a recurve.

Offline Biggie Hoffman

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2008, 06:40:00 AM »
GG...you're right about that! I got to the point bowhunting them where I wanted an 8 gauge so I could just vaporize the fish turds.

I like RC's scheme the best...it's hard to spend a whole day turkey huntin when you have squealing going on around you..
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"If you are twenty and aren't liberal you don't have a heart...if you're forty and not conservative you don't have a brain".....Winston Churchill

Offline Ray Hammond

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2008, 07:51:00 AM »
There's an organization for you, Big and GG:

Turkeys U R Dead Sucker, a Georgia corporation I believe...

TURDS for short.  :knothead:
“Courageous, untroubled, mocking and violent-that is what Wisdom wants us to be. Wisdom is a woman, and loves only a warrior.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline Shawn Leonard

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2008, 09:51:00 AM »
I have to agree with Curt on this one. our birds here are very wary, so much so if you walk into a field and they are 800 yards away and catch you, there gone. Shawn

Offline whitebuffalo

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2008, 10:28:00 AM »
I love hunting them without a blind with a bow,, I have done both and been succefull by both,, I use natural cover to hide from them when using no blind and our birds here in MI are very wary birds,, so have fun and go get'em bud,,J

Offline Duckbutt

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Re: Turkeys without a blind
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2008, 01:56:00 PM »
Well, it's definitely harder without a pop up blind.  One thing is for sure, you'll never get one without a blind if you are always sitting in one.  I have been successful.  I'm getting better at it each season.  I'm still not stacking'em like Guru, but I feel like my chances are good every time I go out.  My favorite hunt was the last day of the season, last year.  My wheelbow buddy had the same skepticism about "no blinds." I told him that if he would go with me the last morning, I'd guarantee he'd kill a bird.  I had roosted one the night before and felt like I could call it to a spot that would present a good shot opportunity.  He killed the bird at 10 yards and told me he'd never climb back in a pop up again.  The birds are the best teachers I've found.  I started out trying to follow all the how to articles and have aborted most of the stuff. Get you a bottle of Wild Turkey Rare Breed and a copy The Tenth Legion to get your mind right.  Keep telling yourself the lie  that turkey's can't see through tree trunks until you believe it.  Leave the shotgun and pop up at a friend's house.  Is it April yet?

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