GG -- I have never ever once used a blind, and I get shots every year. I do like Grizzly and use natural cover. Nor do I use a Ghillie suit and as my commercial camo wears out I am gradually replacing it with dark plaid shirts and dark pants -- all this is same-same for elk and deer hunting as well. But once in a while you'll get caught in the open, when all you can do is hold still until they go away and you can reposition and try calling 'em back. Why? Because I hunt public lands where the birds move constantly, unlike many ag lands. So moving and being flexible is simply more productive. And always more fun. And cheaper. Sometimes I use one hen deke, sometimes not. It does help to have a special turkey bow, shorter and lower draw weight, sinc I often have to hunker down in low oak brush, and hold at full draw for prolonged time waiting for a bird to walk out from behind a trees, etc. Good exercise, good fun, real hunting. Give it a try. dave