Duckbutt ... you got it! What do we want from a hunt? Max assurance to KILL sumpin? Or max assurance to have a good HUNT? Well, most of us want both, so it comes down to personal pref and, let's face it, the "developmental stage" we are in as hunters. At first and for a long time we need at least occasional "success" to confirm the worth of our efforts. At some point for most of us (unless we become "hunting heroes" in our own minds, constantly striving to "prove" and "reprove" and outdo ourselves), we have enough "success" that we can relax a bit and think about Why we hunt, and esp. why we hunt Traditional ... that's when the real fun starts: when we reach the point where, when someone we care about asks, "How'd you do this season"? or "Did you get your bird/deer/elk this year?" and we can, when we must, smile and say "No" and not feel that we have to make excuses ... That is when we have become Enlightened as hunters. None of which is to dismiss the necessity or importance or "it's OKness" of the previous stages. Just the way it is. As I've said before, I hunt without blinds because of where I hunt (wide-open public-lands forests) and personal preference. But if I lived in, say, Kansas, and the Only choice I had on turkeys was to hunt the flock that every day hung out in the middle of the corn stubble ... I might well use a blind. It's like camo and SO much more ... not that any of it is "bad" but rather, when having a great hunt becomes more important than assurance of a kill and we no long give a hoot about our honest answer when someone asks "How'd ya do?" ... and "having a great hunt" for a particular hunter means being loose and free and able to be spontaneous and not weighted-down with stuff that the industry tells us we "must" have ... personal choice. In sum: Blind or no blind ... some of the decision has to do with where and how we hunt. Another part has to do with why we hunt at a particular point in our lives. And too ... how much we like to eat wild turkey! Like it enough, and we hunt with a shotgun and get 'er done the first hour of the first morning out. All I want is to hunt, and killing ends it, so I'm never in a rush. Variety makes the world an interesting place. Anytime anyone tries to tell us that there is only One Way for Anything ... uh oh! Have fun, however, so long as it's fair chase. Crazy Dave