Hi guys.
Lats week, the top limb of my takedown broke (my first glass lam bow). I didn`t tighten the nut all the way and I think that caused the limb to rise in the pad, causing it to break.
Here are some pics of the brake (soory about the blur):
According to the last picture, it seems like the lower part of the limb (just under the bolt) took too much stress and caused the limb to fail. BUT, it broke right at the end of the wedge. I had pretty good glue line. So, what do you think? Is my theory currect? (It`s importent for my so I`ll know to avoid it next time).
So, I spent the weekend making a new limd. After a few adjustments it now has a positive tiller of 1/2". Thing is, the limb seem to hinge right after the wedge when braced, like so:
But, when drawn it looks pretty good:
What do you guys say- should I be worried by it?