Hey Monterey, thanks for the comment! Some go for it and some don't...It's what i can do and a bit unique - and so I do it:) The inlays are recessed, epoxied and 'tapped' into their snug-carved settings. They don't interfere with the function of the bow, and as they weather and develop their own patina over time, will look more and more like a homogenous'part' of the riser. I've done copper inlays on a few darker wood risers which look good too.
Kenny - thanks for the tip on adapting the 64" stack chart to 66"ntn. Based on the chart and your advice, I'm guessing that a stack of.385" with a thickness taper of .003, laid out as a 66" bow could result in 52-54-ish pounds @ 28"?
Mate like i said earlier, this build is so slow-motion it's killing me! Just ain't got access to basic equipment (and if you check the attached image of the completed form, you'll see another significant distraction in the background!!
. I can and do order my riser block,glass and lams pre-ground from a local source, but am now focussing on an affordable oscillating spindle sander that will allow me to
grind my fades and riser to fit perfectly into the form. We'll get there mate. My progress may be glacial, but my resolve is also!!
Shredd and Bob - got a positive ID on some Sheoak growing one street over from my house today (see attached image). Long, segmented needles and the seed-pod is unmistakable. No bloody big branches lying broken off on the ground though, and the significant branches begin kinda high up, makes 'midnight aquisition' unrealistic......I jest of course;) Knowing I'm surrounded by the stuff now I just have to work out how to lawfully acquire a piece! As you say, Bob, it's not exactly easy to source comercially. And Shredd, I know you said you may try some as laminations, but I've read on a couple of forums that it's a great candidate for self-bows too..interesting hey??