Hi there,
building a D/R longbow I recently ran into a big problem with one limb laterally deflecting. Unstrung, the limbs were straight, when strung the upper limb leaned to one side, with almost no twist.
I'm using a bow form with airhose.
Stack from back to belly was: glass, veneer, carbon, actionboo, walnut, veneer, glass
Glue was SmoothOn.
The checks i did: tips ok, grooves equal, bow form ok, limbs unstrung not tilted/twisted or such.
Question 1: What could be the reason for this?!
As it was a bi-lam, could it be the walnut-lam causes such a deflection? Or even the glass?
Question 2: To avoid such problems, i'm thinking of building my walnut-lams out of multiple stripes (like actionboo). What kind of glue should be used for that? Epoxy? Or Elmer's glue? Anything else (e.g. edge/flat grain) to pay attention to when building this 'action-nut' lams?
Thx reini