I just got the wonderful news that my 12 year old niece wants to take an archery project for 4H this year. She made it clear that she does not want a compound bow like her dad has. I have an old fiberglass bow to get her started, but her dad wants to find something a little more suitable, for relatively cheap. Anybody have any good recommendations. She is tall for her age, about 5"8" with long arms, but she is pretty weak and non-athletic. What draw weight and length would you recommend?
With this being a 4H project I think it would be great to have her make some of her own gear. I have two boardbows in progress, but not having finished either, I'm not sure I want to make one for her until i know it won't blow up on her. Would it be safe and reasonable to buy 5/16 dowels to fletch? Are points and nocks readily available that small?
Another question, she loves to read,any good archery based books that would be appropriate and fitting for her?