This bow is what I call my recurve #2. Heavily influenced by others, but my own design.
It's 62" NTN with a target draw weight of 50lbs @ 28 and roughly 55 lbs at my draw length of 30".
The riser is Paudauk, Beli, and hard maple. The core is hard maple with a strip of uni-weft. The veneers are spliced Paudauk and Beli with a maple accent in the joint. The tip overlays are white phenolic and water buffalo horn.
Right now I'm in the process of filling and sealing the grain with super glue. Then, it'll be time for final sanding.
I hope to shoot it with clear coat on Saturday. I'll be using Eastwood European clear. This is an automotive type catalyzing urethane. I've had excellent luck with it.
I'll keep posting pics as I proceed.
Thanks for looking!