Is it still progress if you are moving backwards?
I braced my victims bow this morning for the first time. I was very surprised, it's sitting at a 1/8" negative tiller. For me I count that as a win.
I did also find that I am about 5-7 lbs under weight which unfortunately is enough to be out of the requested specs. Which is baffling, because according to Binghams chart, at the total stack measurement (measured right at the end of the wedge fade), I should be right in the middle of the 10 lb range that was specified.
The bow is plenty long so I have room to pike it a bit so my question(s) will be around doing that. If I take another inch I will gain X number of pounds, but how much of that will I lost by narrowing the limbs so they don't look like tree trunks and have all that extra tip weight.