Well things just seemed to work out for me on sunday afternoon. Pops was in the bottom of the field and me in the top. At 4:45pm I had a big doe and her 2 youngsters come out. The doe was a nice one. We had our sights on her. But there was a problem. I had doe fever. My heart was beating like it was the first deer I had ever seen in the woods. When she finally offered the shot for me, well I did not connect. Put it right over her back. So there I sat with a miss under the belt already.
Then around 6pm pops calls from the bottom about a buck coming up the hedgerow. He says it is a nice one. It took about 5 minutes before I was able to see the buck. He came out in the middle of the field. It looked like he could go either way, towards pops or me. Either way he went it would have been a great day. But, he started heading up the field towards me. It took him several minutes to close the distance, but he finally made it. He stood broadside at under 10 yards. When he turned to look at a doe that was sneaking into the field I drew back. Steadied the the bow in the flick of hair we picked and let the arrow fly. It hit exactly where we wanted it to hit. As he spun around to run I seen the arrow sticking out of both sides, right in the boiler area. He went about 70 yards before piling up in the field.
Here he is. He is a nice 5x4. I would estimate his weight at 160, it took both of us to get him in the truck. He is the nicest buck I have taken off of this particular piece of property.