The long riser recommendation is for the 60-inch bow, right? Two inches more bow length, regardless of how one gets there (through riser or limb length) will be more accommodating to the longer draw.
On the same bow length, say 58 inches, the shorter riser, longer limbs should be a little more forgiving. The longer riser, shorter limbs, a little speedier. But these differences are so small that most of us wouldn't notice them.
However, overall bow length related to draw length is an important consideration. Personally, I think 60 inches is the absolute minimum for a 30-inch draw. I shoot 60-inch recurves with my 28-inch draw. My hunting partner, who has a 30-inch draw, shoots 64-inch recurves. I'd certainly recommend something in the 62-64-inch range for your draw length. I'd also recommend you talk to the bowyer and get his recommendation.
Having said all this, the next person up will say he shoots a 58-inch bow with a 32 inch draw, with no finger pinch, etc. Sure, it's possible, but a longer bow will be more pleasant to shoot.
Good luck.