Here is how it began:Me and Nook and Bearpaw( CoolSprings Members)headed out to a farm we can hunt.I settled in my tree and waited for something to happen.Around 5:30 i saw movement behind me and then I got excited as we all do when we see deer.A few minutes later she returned the area and fed alittle in front of me,patiently I waited for a shot.Whoops!!!!A wandering set of beaty eyes looked right up at me and I was busted.She wheeled and started trotting behind me and I took a shot as she entered an opening behind me about 15 yds.I saw her wheeled around and took off.I knew I hit her and I thought far back.So I watched her run off like a bolt of lightning.Nervous as i was,i settled myself down and let my mind process the hunt as we always do.Around a hour later i saw a herd of deer in frount of me around 75 yds or so feeding along an edge that separated the oak flat from a thicket.I watched as they single file walked away.I then saw a late comer bringing up the rear,hmmmm I thought that is a dark body deer Could it be?Yep a buck was moving along itn the same path as those before him.I grabbed the binos and took a closer look.Nice,a shooter for me definitely.Me being the Primos can fanactic I am,I started using it,really I had no idea that buck would come any closer.Well I was wrong.I brought him across the old logging road to the place where he commenced to rub his horns in the small beech trees 22 yds in front of me.
He then pin pointed my movement as i lifted my bow to ready for a shot.I was hoping he would come in closer,but he decided differently.He turned gave me broadside shot with a quartering away opportunity.I took it.I saw the arrow sticking out his body as he ran violently over the ridge.I then heard a huge crash over the knoll.I said to myself,no way,Then I got the shakes terribly realizing the only two Snuffers I have are in deer have to Snuffers in two nice deer.The joy I had last night with retrieving these deer and sharing with close friends made for everlasting memory.I praise God for allowing me to have such wonderful opportunties each and every hunt..Hope you all enjoyed the hunt and now I am off to the skinning pole.