Owls will fly routes and memorize them; and then they can fly in the dark; and in low light. If you sit on their flight route; you can get run into.. after storms owls often hit downed trees in their path. A persons head is much softer..
I was stalked and attacked by a mountain lion while I was elk hunting. I saw it at 12 yards; and hit it in the mouth at 8 : with a zwickey delta.
I have no idea why that arrow hit it in the mouth; but it kept it busy for the next arrows.
long story- sometime I will figure out how to post the pictures.
I have had bears run up my stand tree and lift up my treestand. That is a pucker factor! Small boars will often use a treestand to lay in while the big boars come in to feed at a bait. I have had to shoot smallish boars that tried to kick me out of my treestand.
I just plain run from moose. They are in my mind the most likely to play 'pink between the toes' with you.
A month and half or so ago; I had elk coming into my barn and eating the alfalfa. They started bedding in there; and when I tried to scare them off.. one tried standing up on its back legs and hitting me.
5 months to pay back.......
Now spiders... they are the most dangerous; and they are no good pan fried and dipped in ranch dressing like the grouse are!!