This is some good stuff right here. It's much like where the rubber meets the road issues. The heart of why we do this silly stuff.
Back in the 50s when I really started my adventure with this stuff, I found something that I could embrace that seemed to be less competitive than High School sports. Most likely because there were much fewer involved, most were playing sports. The few of us that did do Archery formed a very close brotherhood.
All of our journeys with Bow in hand turned into mythical adventures. Where Robin Hood, Fred Bear, Saxton Pope and Art Young's adventures could be lived out in real time and real life.
My High School years we spent many hours in the same areas that Chester Stevenson was writing and reminiscing about. As we wandered those haunts it was ever present, that we could be walking the very path that Chet and Grover had walked, we could be smelling the same smells that they too smelled.....What a rush for a young budding archer. That was the beginning for me.
That was my VERY first Relationship, I formed a bond with an old Bear hand me down bow that I cherish today.
A relationship that I endeavor to preserve to this day with every bow that I take a field.
I learned that I may not be perceived as being as good a shot as Howard Hill. But in my relationship with my Archery Equipment and within myself, I could do everything he did. Then as now that was, and is all that really matters. I am totally happy with what I can do, confident that we can and will get any thing we attempt done.
With My bow in hand I have a PERSONAL relationship with it. it has come from many hours of time spent together. My bows have names those names have been formed from this relationship. I know these bows as well as I know my family and better than I know some of my friends. Like Robin Hood, Bear, Pope and Young, Bows to them had a soul. So BooBear has a sole to me.
For those of us who have had the fortune to have in our hands a piece of the OLD ARCHERS history, or to walk the pine covered paths of the old ones, gaze across a valley that Pope and Young once gazed across you'll know exactly of what I speak.
For those of you that are still dreaming of those Special Flavors....Enjoy archery and press on with your Personal Relationship, the FUTURE is NOW