Overslept this morning after an evening of shopping and visiting friends with the Wife...not to mention a short ride and bow swap with my Buddy Ralph. ralph will trade a bow now and again...check the classifieds he has a sharp Widow pl up now..lol
Was gonna head to the swamp but decided to hunt a dry creek behind a peanut field then pull the stand to put on persimmons in the swamp for next week.
Got there at the crack of dawn without spooking deer from the field. I hunt a good ways in the woods from the field where deer cross a creek and they could be coming to the field or traveling from ridge to ridge so its a good place with a chance of deer from any direction. Helps my confidence when the wind blows every direction in 5 minutes.
Long story short I had not even settled in good when I heard two deer coming from behind me. One started across the ridge and another stayed on a trail taking it to the field.
I had my video camera on and did not have time to make sure it was lined up good. The doe was coming and I only had a couple of openings for a shot. I "pointed" the camera in the general direction and waited for her to step in the gap. When she did I made good on the ten yard shot and heard her bound off hard and stop thirty yards away. She stood there for a few seconds and I`m thinking I may have hit to far back then she does the staggering two step and goes down.SSWWWEEEETT. I sit down and notice I`m shaking so hard the dry muscadine leaves in the tree I`m climbed in are rattling from me shaking so badly.
I replay the footage and see I did get the deer at the shot on camera just not zoomed up really close and also about 3 seconds before I shoot the deer in the footage you can hear a gun shot from a field about a mile down the road. I musta been locked down in concentration for the shot on the doe to not hear it when it happened.
Its not gun season here and we have poachers a plenty.
Firts day it rains here all day and I cant` hunt and I`m praying for that I`ll get my buddy chris to show me how to post the footage.
The peanut field ..Its awful dry and it will be a poor crop but the deer are eating the vine and the Turkeys are scratching beside the plant and getting the peanuts.

The trail I`m hunting only much farther in the woods...

plenty of blood from the Woodsman. I was gonna shoot the same no mercy head and send it with the bow to the next guy but I shot an armidilla with it and he ran in a hole with the broadhead doggone-it. So I had a Woodsman on instead.Fine Broadheads..

And an early morning Nanny..The shot was back but angled in good. The deer ran maybe 30 yards.

Gonna go pull the stand and head to the swamp for some pig hunting and scouting then its off to work the next three day 14 hrs a day.Thank You Lord. RC