You can't make them go....
I scouted some property I have permission to hunt with the idea that I would take my Niece and my youngest son hunting. I found some decent sign, Rubs and a couple scrapes by a big water oak that was raining acorns. I hung a stand and got out of there to wait for this mornings opening muzzle loader season. Well, My niece Barrel Races and had a rodeo to go to so she was out. It was down to Cameron. Well he said he didn't want to get up early in the morning. He just don't have much interest in hunting. So I figured after doing all that work, I just as well go sit in that stand. Took the boat ride through thick fog but made it there plenty early. Was watching the squirrels and out of no where I see this buck standing in the scrape working the licking branch! I kicked the video camera on grabbed my bow and hit the record button all at the same time. I zoomed in the camera and prepared for a shot. He took a couple steps clearing some brush that was blocking his vitals. I drew the Zona and let her rip., Thwaaack! He kicked his back legs up and tore otta there. I followed with the camera as he ran. I thought this is going to be some sweet footage, that was until I looked at the view finder and seen that green light that indicated it wasn't recording :(
Oh well I was still tickled to get me a La deer down early in the season.