Here is the story...Me and Nook again head out to the woods on this breezy October morning.We parted ways headin down the ole faithful logging road that has left us with so many memories in the past.I decided to head to the bottom of this old growth of Hemlocks and get down near and old stream bed which in the past has produced good deer sign.
I finally found a tree that fit the bill for the current weather conditions,a split white oak with good cover.I settled in for what I hoped to be another great experience.It was around 7:15 when I noticed coming up the stream bed a deer with something atop his noggin.I would have to shoot my BW recurve and CX90 without cant to pull off any kind of shot.The small buck came in and then turned awayed to start making a scrape and thats when I released an Magnus his way.I saw the shot was way back and seriously thought I missed him.As the morning got brighter I could not see my arrow any where with my monocular.
I finally got down @ 9;30 and headed to the impact area.I saw blood and went 20 yds and found my arrow covered with blood.I smiled then backed out; went to the truck waited for Nook and then went back to track.When we got there and started from where I found my arrow we tracked 20 yds and I looked up the ridge and there lay my trophy,big smile moment.The arrow went into the rear quarter and came out the opposite side about two ribs up.Not a monster but it works for me...Thanks for letting me share the story one of the highlights of trad archery.