Well, halloween 2012 was a good one for me. It was cold and drizzling rain as I went out so I didn't bring my camera arm to self tape my hunt but I did bring along the videocamera in case I needed to tape something cool.
About 8:15 I grunted in a small, year old 8pt and let him go at 7yds. He moved off and within 5 minutes, I saw a nice 10pt that I've got still photos of in a neighbor's field and also have trailcams of in my food plots. I grunted and bleated to him and he started my way. I taped some of him coming in and then traded the camera for my bow.
The small 8pt heard my calls and came back in to investigate as the nicer buck moved closer. The big buck postured and snort wheezed at the smaller buck and ran him under my stand. He followed, thrashing at each overhanging branch he came to until he was at 5yds in my mock scrape. He stopped to work it and I drew, anchored and let it fly. It hit a branch and kicked the arrow a bit but got him in one lung and liver.
Long story short, I backed out just in case, without contaminating the sign. Rob from Michigan Deer Track'n Hounds brought out his dog Sypris and led us to the buck. It's probably the most rewarding buck of my career although I've got several on the wall bigger with training wheels. The pictures I have of him before he was broken up are just icing on the cake.
I'm shooting a Two Tracks Longwalker, AD Trad Lites and Centaur Big Game heads. I couldn't be happier with my setup. 2 for 2 this year and great blood trails both times. And, to top it off, I leave for Kansas tomorrow. I can't wait!
Here he is in my food plot October 5th.

The after shots...