Someone had a post which mentioned that their local school had just been repainted with a Teflon paint; so that graffiti could be easily removed from the walls; and wondering if it would make a 'slick' arrow finish. I can't remember what thread it was on, and couldn't locate it again.
I'd never heard of Teflon paint, but did a Google search and, sure enough, there it is! Seems it was originally developed to help protect tiles on the space shuttle; to reduce friction on the tile's adhesive during re-entry. It's now being used on the hulls of high-performance race boats, of all sorts. It's also being used as a premium auto finish, and it seems a few auto dealers are already offering it as an optional 'add on'.
There may well be some interesting possibilities for arrow finishes here. The cost looks fairly high, but it's not any more costly than the 5 coat finish mixture I've been using on my wood shafts.
My 'test plate' is pretty full at the moment, but I though I'd pass this along to whomever was asking about the Teflon paint. It would be great if someone on TG wanted to do a bit of experimenting (Hint, Hint). Even a 'subjective impress' of the slickness of the Teflon paint, when coated with fresh blood, would be interesting. Some actual shots into tissues would be even more interesting. The Teflon coated BH's certainly show an advantage in soft tissue penetration.
TGMM Family of the Bow