I busted my second doe with trad gear 1/17/14. I was so busy with work this year that I didn't get to shoot much and did not make it into the woods till late December. I shot over the back of 5 others. One happen to be a nice 10 pointer. After missed all the other deer I decided that I was going to get a deer this season so I went and practice to get my form back. I have been shooting trad about 4 1/2 years and kill a doe before. I'm not that experienced but I try to give it my all when I have time. I had a stand set up in a magnolia tree. I would estimate the shot to be at 25 yards. The shot was not the best. It hit her high and forward of the shoulder. She dropped in her spot. Flopped around, so I shot her with a second arrow and hit her in the spine. She died not long after that. I'm not happy with the shot placement but I'm glad I got a deer this season.