I know this is an old topic, but I first read it a few days ago.
I don't understand why some guys say that the widows are not top performers?
I shot whith many bows through the crono, and the widows I measured(a psav and a ptf) are the fastest, they outperform: blacktail(5 fps),Border with hex 4 limbs(2fps), great plains(5fps),Martin hunter(6fps),Predator(2fps),Bear grizzly(11fps)and some other bows.
All bows were measured with same grain/pound ratio and the same drawlenght.
Also the tests of Blacky Schwarz give us similar results. Maybe some bows(ACS,Black swan) are about 2-3 fps faster(Blacky test), but what are 2fps?:0,3" draw difference! Are they as forgiving,smooooooth and dead in the hand????!!!!