I am glad that at least one general officer had the nards to do the right thing, in spite of no doubt intense political pressure. Probably a career ender for him, judging how things work, but he should be able to look at himself in the mirror.
As for the deserter, let us hope that he gets what is coming to him and isn't pardoned.
"What I find really troubling is the extent to which our own government will go to try to sell a lie to the American public. Even more troubling is that I think that they really believe that we are all stupid enough to believe whatever they say. But probably the most troubling is that so many people will actually accept the lie without question, or simply don't care enough or are too brain dead to think about it."
Unfortunately, a whole lot of the voting public is every bit as dumb as the government thinks they are, or we wouldn't be in the mess that we are in, both in the legislative and executive branches.