Since 2004 I have teamed with Gene and Barry Wensel along with my brothers David and Mark Mitten to promote bowhunting, and especially traditional bowhunting through the creation of films ("Primal Dreams" and "Essential Encounters") and books ("One with the Wilderness"). We are part of Wensel / Mitten Productions, and Brothers of the Bow.
I am still part of Brothers of the Bow, but am attempting to reach additional people through my own Herd Bull Productions where I originally published "One with the Wilderness." I plan to release in May a new full length film called “Chasing Solitude – Passions of a Solo Moose Hunter,” where I take the viewer along to three mountain ranges in Alaska over three hunting seasons in search for moose. In 2000, I started to make a solo bowhunting film, but it branched off to include my brothers and the Wensels, and eventually became Primal Dreams. So this new film is a chance for me to once again visit the idea of a self filmed bowhunt. As technology advances, I try to connect to a constant in my life, and that is going on solo hunts into the wilderness each fall.
I greatly appreciate the support the traditional bowhunting community has given me over the years. I will try to attach a movie trailer to this post to give you a flavor of the film. Thank you so much, Mike