It is no secret, I like the the Tom Mussato edge. I use slightly different tools for the same affect. The RADA can give a nice base to start with, some light passes with a diamond hone will clean the edge up a little, then with a file that has the safety edge with the row of file teeth exposed, can give a nice clean zippered edge. A super light pass over the RADA will take off the loose stuff and leave the Mussato like cutting teeth in place. I find it very difficult to judge penetration and effectiveness on deer, between shaving sharp and serrated sharp, when the arrows fly through, blood comes out of the deer and the deer goes down in less than 100 yards. Perhaps the hardness of the metal would be a better gauge for choosing one sharpening system to another. I have had some 140 Hill heads that were so hard that a file would just get shiny when trying to sharpen them, I used a clamp and a Dremel tool on those and got a very pretty fish scale edge that would easily cut hair, I got a pass through with a 37 pound Hill on a big doe with those. Not preaching about bow weight, I tore a muscle working out and that is as heavy a bow as i could shoot that year.