In 1988....I read instinctive shooting.... G Fred explained the mystery for me on how to shoot a trad Bow.....Split finger, burn a hole, follow through. I was off to the races for many years shooting a similar style..............................2018...either Jason W writings and/or that "pushpod segment"".........I am a Crawl convert....not looking back... Mr . Quillian if still alive would scold the HELL out of me...but... this system works for me...cant wait to shoot a critter out of my Guido saddle!
enough for my background..........Since basic TD recurve bow building has been locate the center of riser then go 1.5" up and cut my radius shelf....Now i am gripping the string , 3 fingers, low wrist and the arrow is 1" above my fingers for 'crawl" or "walk".......................
So long winded.....are any of you setting your risers and or limbs up different for the crawl? I know archers have been string walking since maurice and will but now center of bow is 3.5" above nocked arrow.