The actionboo/amberboo is just a fancy name for the vertical laminated bamboo flooring

Though I've seen it in regular board form now, the last set of lams I bought had the offcuts of the flooring used as stiffeners for packaging.
The amber boo has been heat treated to give it the color. The degree of the caramel color is determined by the temperature and time the manufacturer used, and varies between manufacturer (and batches). That's likely to be where the color difference you're seeing is from.
In a glass lam bow there is no advantage to the heat treatment other than to get a different color w/o having to stain it.
For all wood (ok grass) lam bows there is a distinct DISadvantage to using the amberboo. The amberboo doesn't hold as much of the glued-in reflex as the natural actionboo does. It fatigues in compression much more. Neither of them are better in compression than even red oak and are poor choices for a belly for that reason, but they don't seem to crysal and fracture like real wood does so they're tolerant of really screwed up tiller.
This is my last all boo bow:

All the flooring in my house is bamboo... I made sure there was an extra case of boards :D